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Two-minute interview - Lilia Karnizova

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  Lilia Karnizova
Lilia Karnizova, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

What inspires you the most about your job?
I am inspired to get students thinking independently and being excited about economics.

How did you come to your area of research?
In 2001, investment and stock markets plummeted in the American economy after a decade-long economic expansion. Everybody was talking about over-investment. I was intrigued by information cycles — the premise that if economic conditions are anticipated to improve in the future, investment and output could accelerate — and decided to investigate whether the theory was applicable to the American experience.  

What gives you the most pride?
Finishing a doctoral program at the Department of Economics at the University of British Columbia was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I felt very proud of my achievements and of not letting down all the people who believed in my abilities and provided financial support.

What would you change in the world today if you could?
Well, I wish I had a magic wand to eliminate once and for all racial and religious conflicts and prejudices. There exists so much violence and so much unnecessary suffering in the world!

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My grandmother. She was a person with a strong will and a great love for life and people. Despite being unable to get out of her apartment for a few years, she was always well spirited and ready to do anything in her power to help others. I have learned a great deal from her about human values.

What would your co-workers be most surprised to know about you?
Hmm … I’m a CSI fan.