Front and CentreFRONT AND CENTRE

Three alumni join Martin's new cabinet

Prime Minister Paul Martin's cabinet, announced December 12, includes three University of Ottawa alumni. In addition to Prime Minister Martin, who attended the University of Ottawa High School, newly-appointed alumni include Denis Paradis (Minister of State for Financial Institutions) and Mauril Bélanger (Deputy House Leader).

Paul Martin

Denis Paradis

Mauril Bélanger

Former cabinet minister Allan Rock was appointed Canada's Ambassador to the United Nations.

In the federal public service, a shuffle of senior executives saw five University of Ottawa graduates assume new duties. More of the executives involved in the shuffle are alumni of Canada's university than any other. The alumni included

“Alumni of the University of Ottawa have built a long and proud tradition of excellence and achievement in both the federal political system and in Canada's federal government. We offer our congratulations to all of the government's new ministers and senior public servants,” said David Mitchell, vice-rector, university relations.