Humanitarian mission to Niger

  Professor Laflamme with student delegation
Professor Guy Laflamme and seven students will visit the African country of Niger from June 9 to 24, 2006, as part of their continuing humanitarian effort under the “Making Niger Our Business” project.

Under Laflamme’s guidance, some 170 marketing students were involved in this project that required them to develop and implement strategies for a humanitarian aid campaign. The result was $250,000 worth of medical equipment sent to Niamey by ship, and cash donations of $40,000. The delegation that will accompany Laflamme (background) will include, left to right, students Roberta Caverly, Mehran Faridani, Claudine Girard, Philippe Letendre, Pierre-Luc Pilon, José Poulin and Alexandre Préfontaine.

Their mission is to ensure that the hospitals in Niamey, Maradi and Zinder receive the equipment, to offer a training program in social marketing at the University of Niamey, to establish partnerships with the Niger Youth Parliament and the School of Journalism, and to observe the construction of wells near schools in the Tahoua region, funded with the help of money collected by the U of O students.