Front and CentreFRONT AND CENTRE

Founders' Breakfast 2006

25 years of service 1981 - 2006

Diane L. Bélanger-Brisson Physical Resources Service

Suzanne Bellefeuille
Physical Resources Service

Conchita C. Belmonte-Proulx
Faculty of Arts

Serge Bisson
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Benoit Boivin
Teaching and Learning Support Service

Joël Bourdeau
Conventions and Reservations

Johanne Brassard

Micheline Charbonneau Séguin
Housing Services

Diane Daoust
Second Language Institute

Marthe Dorion

Andrée Ducasse
Office of the Vice-President, University Relations

Chantale Foré
Faculty of Law,
Common Law Section

Peter J. Hickey
Computing and Communications Services

Carmen Jérôme
University Relations

Hélène Lacroix
Institutional Research and Planning

Johane Sylvie Lalonde
Faculty of Science

Luc A. Lepine
Computing and Communications Services

Réjeanne E. Lévesque
Department of Criminology

Gilman V. Long
Faculty of Arts

Horace J. Morissette
Internal Audit Office

Francine Pétrin
Department of Chemical Engineering

Lise L. Rousseau
Faculty of Engineering

Sylvie M. Séguin-Jak
School of Management

Jacques Suzor
Sports Services

Lise Villeneuve
Office of the Secretary of the University

30 years of service 1976 - 2006

Hélène Amyot
Faculty of Science

Linda Arsenault

Nicole Baron
Department of History

Diane Cyr

Lucie Franche
Office of the President

Lise C. Fraser
Faculty of Lawe,
Common Law Section

Pauline I. Fredette-Ledoux

Chantal Giroux
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Suzanne F. Hupé

Guy Lalonde

Mireille Lavigne

Pierre Lefebvre
Housing Services

Elizabeth A. Maheux
Teaching and Learning
Support Service

Nicole V. Morel

Johane Paris
Faculté of Law,
Civil Law Section

Sylvie M. C. Perras
Enrollment Management

Diane Presseault

Jean Paul Vallière

35 years of service 1971 - 2006

Marie Cousineau

Claude Duguay
Faculty of Medicine

Pierrette Gagné-Duffy
Student Academic Support Service

Philippe Gay
Faculty of Medicine

Nicolas Georganas 
Office of the Vice-President,

Ronald A. Labelle
Department of Earth Sciences

Rita Y. LeBlanc
Faculty of Law,
Common Law Section

Philippe C. Lemieux
Computing and Communications Services

Henri L. Major
Physical Resources Service

Marcia Martel 
Office of the Registrar

Benoit Parenteau
Faculty of Education

Danuala Rego
Department of Criminology

Ginette Trottier
School of Information Technology and Engineering
Francine Vachon
School of Psychology
Anna Maria Villani

Kim H. Wong
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine



40 years of service 1966 - 2006

Pierre Delisle
Physical Resources Service


Marie Tremblay-Chenier
Department of English

Awards of Excellence for Support Staff

Management and professionals

Jean-François Billette 
Computing and Communications Services 

Administrative support staff

Jocelyne Gaumond
Faculty of Arts

Ginette Trottier
Faculty of Engineering

Technicians and technologists, Protection Services staff and groups 772A and 772B of the I.U.O.E.

Gaétan Schnob
Faculty of Social Sciences

Incentive Award Program

Joëlle Clément
Financial Services


Todd Nobert
Physical Resources Service,
Power Plant

Support Staff Scholarship

Mélanie Lecavalier
Faculty of Science